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Economics of the Oil Supply Chain Training

By: International Human Resources Development Corporation (IHRDC)

United Kingdom

14 - 18 Oct, 2019  5 days

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GBP 3,300


During this five-day program, delegates explore the various activities of an oil company and the economic forces driving the oil supply chain. They will also learn the main areas of risk and opportunity from the crude oil supply terminal, through transportation, refi ning, and international trading to the refi ned product distribution terminal.
Through exercises carried out in teams in Invincible’s fictional refinery, delegates learn the quality aspects of product supply, refi nery process economics, and the effects of upgrading. They will examine blending as a means to meet quality requirements at optimal cost and construct a processing deal. Additionally, the program provides an overview of international markets, trading, and different methods of price risk management.
This program is an essential foundation for people entering the oil industry or for those with single-function experience looking to broaden their knowledge. It also forms the basic building block for the other Invincible courses. Numerous exercises are carried out in teams, with comprehensive debriefs studying the consequences of the decisions reached.

CAMBRIDGE. U.K. Oct 14 - 18 Oct, 2019
GBP 3,300.00
(Convert Currency)

Nnamdi Akwiwu 08033014101