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Workshop on Principles and Practice of Legal Drafting

By: Human Capital Associates Global Consult Ltd

Abuja FCT, Nigeria

09 - 13 Jun, 2025  5 days

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NGN 300,000

Venue: Pearls Learning Hub, Plot 756, Opposite Divine Hand of God Ministry, Area 1, Garki, Abuja

Other Dates

Venue Date Fee  
HCA Learning Centre. Acme House 2nd Floor, 23, Acme Road, Ogba, Industrial Scheme, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, Lagos State, Nigeria 01 - 05 Dec, 2025 NGN300000

Legal functionaries saddled with the responsibilities of drafting and producing legal documents need to know and apply the principles underlying the production of such documents. Legal documents seek to effectively account for the facts and law that can impact the parties to a document. The lawyer’s role in “drafting” a legal document is to ensure they identify all the relevant facts and laws and then apply them to prepare a document that accomplishes their client’s goals.

Legal documents are typically a set of instructions for others to follow to fulfil the intent of one or more parties to the document. Clear, complete, and functional instructions promote the client’s goals. This course has been designed to teach the participants contemporary principles of legal drafting. Individuals and organizations require conducive legal environments, supported by reliable legal documents for effective performance.

For Whom

This program is designed for Legal Directors, Legal Officers, Legal Advisers of companies and organizations and Para-Legal Staff involved in the drafting and production of legal documents.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the contemporary principles of legal drafting.
  • Imbibe and be guided by the principles in the discharge of their duties at the end of the program.
  • draft legal document that must be clear and simple
  • Refrain from using complicated legal phrases and jargon that is beyond the comprehension of a layman
  • Ensure that the legal document is structured properly
Pearls Learning Hub, Plot 756, Opposite Divine Hand of God Ministry, Area 1, Garki, Abuja Jun 09 - 13 Jun, 2025
HCA Learning Centre. Acme House 2nd Floor, 23, Acme Road, Ogba, Industrial Scheme, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, Lagos State, Nigeria 01 - 05 Dec, 2025

Registration: 09:00:am - 05:00:am

NGN 300,000.00 + 15,000.00 (VAT)(Exclusive of VAT (Foreign Participants: $700))
(Convert Currency)

Asije Philip 08051365946, 07087578814, 08068933608, 08029170491, 08145745664, 09112830607

Group discount available
A team of experienced and certified Trainers has been assembled to lead discussions in this workshop. Their goal is to ensure an enhanced learning experience and successful knowledge transfer to foster participants’ professional development.

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