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Results- Driven Leadership

By: Cynet East Africa Consultancy


29 Jul - 02 Aug, 2024  5 days

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USD 1,050

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Venue: Mombasa

Other Dates

Venue Date Fee  
Nairobi, Kenya 16 - 20 Sep, 2024 USD1050
Nairobi, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024 USD1050
Mombasa, Kenya 11 - 15 Nov, 2024 USD1050
Nairobi, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024 USD1050

The 7-Day Results-Driven Leadership programme is designed from a leader’s perspective, focusing on those skills essential for success in today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) business environment.

The participants will gain the following:-

  1. You will learn from our experts who will share their leading-edge strategies, best practice insight, and global perspective on key issues.
  2. You will join a diverse group of senior executives for a transformative learning experience with debates, challenges, and the sharing of experiences.
  3. You will leave with invaluable knowledge that will enhance decision making in challenging environments to help you reshape your organization’s environment.

Focusing on the critical success factors for improved performance:

  1. Building Self-awareness to Energizing Leadership
  2. Culture Change - Establishing New Workforce Behavior
  3. Developing and Retaining Top Talent and Succession Planning
  4. Improving Employee Engagement
  5. Evaluation of your Organization’s Current State
  6. Strategy Planning to Improve Organizational Agility & Effectiveness


Module 1: Perception and Reality – Exploring Lumina Spark Psychometrics

  • “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
    • Speed-reading Personalities – How we perceive others.
    • The Psychological Mechanics Behind Rapport
    • Identifying and Assessing Your Personal Behavioral Preferences
    • The Importance of Adaptability
    • Embracing Change
  • ‘I’ the Leader – Part 1 - Emotional Intelligence and Resilience
  • “Leadership's First Commandment: Know Thyself”
    • Exploring self-awareness and understanding how others perceive you.
    • Understand how to build greater rapport; the psychological mechanics behind rapport.
    • Understand the true value of diversity and how to co-create results.
  • The Effective Leader
  • “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.”
    • Leadership Behavior / Style Approaches
    • The ‘Manager Vs. Leader’ Roles
    • Managing Talent from A Strategic Perspective
    • Responsibility and accountability in leadership

Mdule 2: Leadership & Organizational Culture

“The only thing of real importance that leaders do is create and manage culture.”

  • Exploring how organization type, purpose, vision, values, and culture impact the leadership role.
  • Exploring Cameron & Quinn View of Culture – 2010
  • Cultural Expression – Mission, Vision, Values
  • Establish and foster a culture of responsibility and accountability among your employees.
  • People, Performance & Leadership Potential
  • “Even zero has value when it’s on the right side of the number.”
  • Increasing your Value to the Organization
  • Inside an Organization - People Performance & Leadership Potential
  • Exchange of Expectations
  • Team Dynamics – techniques to build synergy and collaboration.

Module 3: Effective Decision Making and Problem Solving

  • “Think outside your comfort zones!”
    • Decision-making Styles
    • High performing executives understand the importance of effective and timely decisions whether managing.
  • Internal operations or in strategic planning.
    • Evaluating and applying a structured approach to generate solutions to organizational issues such as project management, quality problems, performance, people, and productivity issues.
    • The application of whole brain thinking to the brainstorming, decision making and problem-solving process

Module 4. The Leader as Coach

  • “People understand that no matter how good their technique is, there is always room for improvement.”
    • Explore ways of developing effective coaching skills such as listening, building credibility and trust, and showing empathy.
    • Gain insight into and understanding of coaching dynamics to build confidence.
    • Coaching vs. Mentoring.

Module 5: Concepts of Corporate Governance

  • “The speed of decision making is the essence of good governance.”
    • Enron, Facebook, Tesla - Why senior managers should build awareness of matters of Corporate Governance
    • Establishing strong governance systems to promote an integrated vision of organizational goals, objectives, and shared values.
    • Exploring governance frameworks to help boards and executives easily identify potential opportunities to improve communication and effectiveness. Responsibilities of Boards vs Management

Module 6: Effective SWOT Analysis

  • “Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.”

  • Exploring and analyzing products/services, processes, customers, distribution, finance, and administration

  • STRENGTHS: Internally focused - Exploring competitive advantage (unique value proposition), organizational capabilities, areas of expertise, and advantages in price, value, and quality.
  • WEAKNESSES: Internally focused - Weaknesses in the organization’s value proposition, capabilities, financial performance, suppliers, employee morale/retention, leadership.
  • OPPORTUNITIES: Externally focused - Exploring potential market developments and partnerships, competitor vulnerabilities, global influences, technological advances
  • THREATS: Externally focused – Exploring issues around potential new regulations, environmental issues,
  • competitor movement, market demand, technologies, challenges around current plans, economic issues. Identifying ways to mitigate potential threats


This training requires an investment of USD 3,000 which includes the following:

  • 10.00 O’clock tea,
  • Lunch
  • 4 Oclock tea
  • Certificate of course completion.
  • Desert trip / tour


Upon successful completion of the training, participants will be awarded Cynet East Africa Consultancy certificate.

Mombasa Jul 29 - 02 Aug, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 16 - 20 Sep, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 21 - 25 Oct, 2024
Mombasa, Kenya 11 - 15 Nov, 2024
Nairobi, Kenya 02 - 06 Dec, 2024

Registration: 09:00:am - 04:00:am

USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
USD 1,050.00
(Convert Currency)

Nancy Kemunto / Janet Cherono +254792972525 / +254204401089

Cynet East Africa Trainers

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